Business and Human Resource Education (BA)
Under what conditions do pupils acquire economic competences? How can learning environments in companies and in commercial vocational schools be designed in a meaningful way? Our interdisciplinary Bachelor’s degree programme in Business Education provides you with both the economic knowledge and the pedagogical expertise to educate the next generation of economists. This combination opens up different career paths for you. For example, you will qualify to work in the fields of human resources and organisational development in industry and business. For a career as a teacher at (German) commercial vocational schools, you will complete the Master’s programme in Business and Human Resource Education after graduating with a bachelor's degree. This entitles you to enter the preparatory service for the teaching profession ("Referendariat"). With sound subject and methodological knowledge from economics and educational sciences as well as experience from internships in vocational schools, you are ideally equipped for the various paths.
- Programme:
- Business and Human Resource Education
- Degree:
- Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Standard period of study:
- 6 semesters
- Start:
- Winter and summer semester
- Language of the programme:
- German
- Admission:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
- Orientation events:
- Orientation events are offered
- Pre-course:
- A pre-course is offered
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This interdisciplinary programme in Business and Human Resource Education primarily prepares students for a job as teachers at vocational schools. Students with the professional goal of becoming "Teachers at vocational schools" have to follow the Master's programme in Business and Human Resource Education after their bachelor's degree and can then enter the German school system ("Referendariat").
The standard period of study is six semesters (three years). 180 credits are required to successfully complete the programme. The programme includes studies in the economic sciences (96 credits), a second teaching subject (36 credits) as well as business and human resource education (36 credits). Studies end with the completion of the bachelor's thesis (12 credits). One of the following teaching subjects may be selected as the second subject of study: German, English, Protestant Religion, French, Computer Science, Mathematics, Spanish, Sports and Political Science.
Please note, that the second subjects are offered by other faculties of the University of Göttingen. Some faculties have limited the number of places in these subjects that can be taken by students of Business and Human Resource Education. These include sports (15 places in the winter semester and 10 places in the summer semester) and politics (3 places in the winter semester and 2 places in the summer semester). In all other subjects there are no restrictions. The Faculty of Business and Economics offers a total of 79 places in the Bachelor's Programme in Business and Human Resource Education.
Through the interdisciplinary combination of economics, pedagogy as well as another freely selectable teaching subject, our bachelor's programme integrates different subject perspectives. In this way, you learn to integrate information and findings from different disciplines in order to look at issues from an economic, pedagogical and educational policy perspective. This enables you to gain a holistic understanding of the topics and promotes an interdisciplinary approach that will help you in your day-to-day professional practice.
Specialised knowledge is not enough to be successful in teaching in vocational schools or in business. Our degree programme therefore provides you with the skills you need: For example, the basics of teaching and learning, didactic skills such as communicating complex content in a comprehensible way or giving constructive feedback, but also organisational knowledge, for example, about the structure and processes in the vocational training system or about education management issues. You can apply this directly in practice. Furthermore, you will complete an internship (usually in vocational schools) during your studies in which you will put your theoretical knowledge into practice and gain insights into real work processes.
During the first week of the summer and winter semesters, you will be supervised by older students, the WiWi-O-Phase tutors. In addition to the first lectures, you will get to know important learning management and examination administration systems as well as examination and study regulations of the degree programmes. You will learn how to do your semester schedule and you can even talk to the professors of the faculty at the professors' breakfast. You will get to know each other at city rallies and pub evenings. Even before lectures begin, you can (voluntarily) take part in the maths pre-course (MVK), in which selected content from school mathematics is repeated and preparation is made for the mathematics module in the 1st semester. The student council of the Faculty of Business and Economics organizes the "social events programme" during the maths pre-course with pub nights as well as campus and city tours.
The polyvalent orientation of our bachelor's programme opens up a variety of career paths for you. For example, it qualifies you for the Master’s degree in Business and Human Resource Education, which allows you to work at state vocational schools or in education management in public administration, such as ministries of education or school boards, after graduation. With the bachelor's degree, a job in the economy is open to you - for example, in the personnel development of companies or with independent educational providers and private educational institutions.
Related and consecutive/graduate programmes
The Bachelor's programme in Business and Human Resource Education is divided into a first section of studies (1st and 2nd semesters) and a second section of studies (3rd to 6th semester).
In the first section of studies students acquire knowledge of the basic issues and solutions of the economic sciences as well as several important neighbouring disciplines. In addition to knowledge in business and economics, students also acquire special knowledge in dealing with information and communication systems as well as in relevant mathematical and statistical methods. Students will also begin with their first module in the second teaching subject.
The second section of studies completes basic education in the economic sciences and deepens general economic-scientific knowledge. Knowledge in the second teaching subject is also deepened in this section. Furthermore students have to do an internship in a vocational school. More detailed information about the structure of the bachelor's programme you will find on the according websites of the Faculty of Business and Economics.
Start of study

Regulations and module directory
Second Subject
Please note: You select your second subject after your enrolment to this study programme. For some subjects places are limited.
- Start:
- Winter and summer semester
- 1st subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
- 2nd to 6th subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
Study Economics in Göttingen
Business Administration, Economics, Business and Human Resource Education, Business Information Systems und Economics in combination with a second subject - the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Göttingen offers a wide range of courses with six bachelor's and eight master's programmes. In the film (in German), students from the faculty report on their everyday studies and tell why it is worth studying in Göttingen.
Business and Human Resource Education in Göttingen
After his vocational training, Roman Köhler decided to study business and human resource education in Göttingen. In the video, he talks about why he decided to study and what his tips are for first-year students (in German).
Business and Human Resource Education in Göttingen
"Just enjoy your first semester" - that's what Mirjam Sigg, who is currently studying for a master's degree in business and human resource education, advises all first-year students. She tells us in the video how she experienced her first semester and why she likes Göttingen so much as a student city (in German).
Business and Human Resource Education in Göttingen
Lisa decided to study business and human resource education because she wanted to become a teacher but was also interested in business administration and economics. And Göttingen convinced her because "it's a very student-friendly city (in German).
Websites of the Faculty of Business and Economics for international students
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Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
Room: 1.135, Oeconomicum, 1. Obergeschoss
37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49-551 39 28800