Care, Career, Corona: The influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the working conditions and future prospects of academics in qualification phases, especially those with care responsibilities
The effects of the Corona pandemic on life and work in many areas of society became apparent at least since the lockdown in Germany in March 2020. In particular, individuals with care responsibilities were affected by the widespread cancellation of childcare and care services, such as the closure of kindergardens and schools, as well as day and night care facilities, and changes in conditions in outpatient care. The care tasks that arose were mainly taken on by women (cf. Kohlrausch/Zucco 2020). Universities and colleges must respond to the new conditions in multiple ways - as educational institutions, employers, and part of a scientific system in which careers are shaped, promoted, or hindered - and promote the compatibility of work and care tasks.
In the project "Care, Career, Corona: The influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the working conditions and future prospects of academics in qualification phases, especially those with care responsibilities, at the University of Göttingen" (2020/21 and 2022) and a follow-up study (2023/24), the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the actual working and career conditions of researchers in qualification phases was investigated. Based on this, recommendations for action were developed to improve the compatibility of gainful employment and care work at the University of Göttingen - especially for researchers in qualification phases.
The project was a cooperation between the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute, the Institute for Methods and Methodological Foundations of Social Sciences, and Dr. Doris Hayn and Renate Putschbach from the Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity. The project was led by Prof. Dr. Andrea D. Bührmann; co-leaders were Dr. Yvonne Franke (first funding phase) and Dr. Astrid Biele Mefebue (second funding phase). Scientific staff members were Areti-Kristin Bouras, Elena Futter-Buck, Dr. Julia Lischewski, Stephan Schlosser, and Ulrike Thiele-Manjali.
A diversity-sensitive bilingual online questionnaire was developed, which was used to conduct a first quantitative survey in winter of 2020/21. This survey collected data on the short-term and expected long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on working conditions and future prospects of researchers in qualification phases. In the project "Is the Glass Ceiling sinking? Changing opportunities and perceptions of career development prospects among early-career researchers, especially those with care responsibilities, at the University of Göttingen", the collected data were analyzed in depth. As part of the follow-up study, a follow-up survey was conducted in summer of 2023 to investigate the actual consequences for scientific careers and motivation to remain in science after three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, a qualitative survey was conducted among leaders to gather their perceptions of support needs, leadership responsibility, and personal responsibility. Recommendations for action were derived from the combined results.
The project participants are currently working on an Executive Summary that summarizes the central results. In addition, it is planned to provide further reports and publications on this page.
Contact and duration of the project
- Responsible department: Faculty of Social Science, Göttingen Diversity Research Institute
- Contact: Prof. Dr. Andrea D. Bührmann, Elena Futter-Buck
- Duration of the project: 09/2020 - 05/2024
- Target group: Researchers, especially those with care responsibilities; leaders with caregiving responsibilities