C3 Societal views on sustainable food systems

How do citizens evaluate different sustainability dimensions in food systems? And do citizens act according to their attitudes in their role as consumers in the food market? Following these questions, SP C3 analyzes societal views on intra-sustainability conflicts and tradeoffs in food systems while considering possible attitude-behavior gaps. Possible research question deal with the evaluation of trade-offs between animal welfare and environmental protection, or the awareness of direct and indirect environmental and climate impacts of food choices - both from a citizen as well as a consumer perspective. Understanding public views on sustainability dimensions and consumer behavior helps developing policy implications and effective marketing tools to foster sustainable food choices. The basis are qualitative and quantitative empirical research methods.

Possible dissertation topics:

  • How do food consumers and citizens trade off different sustainability goals?
  • Eating meat: complex relationships between environment and animal welfare attitudes
  • Consumers’ perceptions of direct and indirect sustainability impacts

  • Leading PI:
    Achim Spiller
    Gesa Busch

    Doctoral researcher of the first cohort:
    Justine Quast

    Doctoral researcher of the first cohort:
    Sophie-Dorothe Lieke