On March 8-10, 2012, the SEP Göttingen hosted the Studientag zum englischen Mittelalter (SEM XIV), for the first time at Georg-August University. The SEM offers junior scholars and students in the field of English Medieval Studies a unique platform to put their current research to debate. Senior scholars present the students' papers and give a summary and first feedback, leading into a subsequent plenary discussion.

All participants thus have the chance to offer the young contributors valuable criticism and advice for their ongoing research. This year’s SEM, organized by the junior scholars at the Department of English Medieval Studies at the SEP, took place at the Tagungszentrum Historische Sternwarte.

Participants from British, Dutch, German, and Swiss universities offered a wide range of topics comprising historical linguistics, sermon studies, hagiography, palaeography, theology and textual criticism, covering both the Old and Middle English period. Papers, participants and, not least, the location ensured a very successful conference in a relaxed atmosphere. Medievalists look forward to next year’s meeting in Berne.